Our team offers unmatched expertise in the Staffing and Information Technology industries. We leverage technical knowledge throughout KBI and our collective consulting experiences to provide our customers with the consultant resources that best fit their needs.

Kelly J. Visker is the President of Knowledge Builders Inc. She comes from a family of successful entrepreneurs and has a successful track record in staffing, managing, and working with teams. Kelly is an active member of the Society for Human Resource Management and is committed to giving back to the community. She serves in leadership and volunteer roles for the McKownville United Methodist Church and the Capital District YMCA & Camp Chingachgook.

Nirupama Kapalli is the Secretary and Treasurer of Knowledge Builders Inc. Her attention to detail has guided KBI through strategic business growth. Her strong financial judgment has supported stable and steady growth.

Sanjay Kapalli is an Oracle Certified Professional with more than 30 years of experience in the Information Technology industry. He has served in consulting, team leader and account manager roles. He has led teams ranging in size from 5-person project teams to multi-team organizations consisting of over 200 consultants and employees.

Christopher Visker is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) with more than 35 years of experience in business and the Information Technology industry. He has led strategic initiatives in both the public and private sectors.

Ed O’Brien has more than 35 years of experience in IT sales and consulting services. He manages our business with both public and private entities. He has supported state agencies in New York, New York City, Texas and North Carolina. Ed helps KBI develop and nurture lasting business partnerships.

Robert (Bob) Law is our HBITS Contract Administrator and a Certified Social Media Recruiter He is a highly dynamic and results-oriented individual. His work has resulted in the development of effective recruiting and hiring processes for KBI.

Abigail (Abby) Ruscitto is a Team Lead and Recruiter that works closely with the business development team. She recruits consultants for our clients in and out of New York. She also leads our New York Administrative Services efforts and IT efforts outside of NYS.

Bill Newton is a Senior Recruiter that works closely with our team leads contract administrators. He has served KBI in many capacities over the years including business development, consulting, account management, and recruiting.

Kim Soto is our Relationship Manager and is tasked maintaining frequent and meaningful communications with KBI’s field consultants. She also manages and maintains KBI’s applicant and consultant tracking solutions.